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| Introduction To Islam | Basis Of Islam | Excerpts From the Holy Quran | Iman | Elaborate Formula Of Faith | Islamic Life- View
| Fundamentals Devotional Practices | Basic Features Of Islamic Socio- Political System |


ISLAM is an Arabic word. It denotes resignation, submission, surrender to the will, the service, the commands of ALLAH (GOD). In essence, ISLAM is a life style. It directs, guides, controls and governs human behavior from the cradle to the grave, from dawn to dusk and from dusk to dawn. ISLAM comprises comprehensive guidelines of Dos and Don'ts for every person child or adult, male or female, young or old, irrespective of his/her country, region, race, tribe, language, colour whatever. ISLAM encompasses the whole sphere of human activity_ secular or religious, individual or collective, personal, national or international, civil or military, physical or mental, temporal or spiritual, economic or ethical, private or public, political or commercial, domestic or market, celebatic or marital, earning-related or spending-related, spoken, written or symbolic whatever. ISLAM is a complete code defining the parameters of a person's relations with his/her parents, children, spouses, kith and kin, employers, employees, friends, foes, neighbours, the rich, the poor, the needy, the weaker, the older, the state, the society, the animal whoever. ISLAM controls a person's feelings, emotions, passions, thoughts, imaginations and guides him/her in matters of love, hate, grief, shock, gain, loss, pain, pleasure, anger, revenge, ambition, competition, praise, blame et all. ISLAM has its own complete civil and criminal laws defining rights and liabilities and crime and punishment. ISLAM is the divinely ordained one universal life style for all human beings on the earth. Under the Islamic life style nobody is absolutely free, either in private or in public, to behave, as he or she likes. All likes and dislikes and omissions and commissions have to lie within well-defined limits. ISLAM is, in a way, the antithesis of unbridled Liberalism. ALLAH is the goal of the Islamic life style. MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) is the leader to be followed to achieve the goal. The holy book QURAN is the guidebook for the journey to the goal.

BASIS OF ISLAM   go to top

The basis of ISLAM is the belief that the existence of human beings on the earth is not the outcome of any accident but it is the part of a divine scheme under which the human race has been created with a purpose, ALLAH created the universe. He also created good and evil. He also created the human race. He appointed his Messengers from time to time in each and every part of the world. The Messengers explained to the people of their time and place what was good and what was evil and exhorted them to do good ward off evil. From Adam to Muhammad (peace be upon him) ALLAH appointed 1, 24000(one Lac twenty four thousand) Messengers to explain to the human race how to live on this earth. The Message of each and every messenger was Islam of its time and place. The Divine Message revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the archangel Gabriel is contained in the holy book QURAN. The divine message contained in the holy book QURAN superseded all earlier divine messages contained in other holy books. The QURAN is now the sole and only criterion of good and evil for the entire human race forever and ever till eternity. Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final Messenger of ALLAH and the authentic reports of his words and deeds are the only guidance in all matters of life for all people for all time till eternity. True success and happiness lies in Islamic life style. All other life styles lead to eventual failure and grief.


ALLAH bears witness that there is no god but He, and so do the angels and men of learning standing firm on justice. There is no god but he, the Mighty, the Wise. The only true faith in Allah's sight is ISLAM.
(3: 18-19)

He who chooses a faith other than ISLAM, it will not be accepted from him and he will be among the losers in the after- world.
(3: 85)

This (QUR'AN) is a declaration to mankind: a guide and an admonition to the righteous.
(3: 138)

We have sent you (Muhammad) as an apostle to mankind.O mankind, the apostle has brought you the truth from your Lord. Have faith and it shall be well with you. If you disbelieve, know that to Allah belongs all that the heavens and the earth contain. He is Knowing, Wise.

O mankind you have received clear proof from your Lord. We have sent forth to you a glorious light. Those that believe in ALLAH and hold fast to Him shall be admitted to his mercy and his grace; He will guide them to Him along a straight path.
(4: 174-75)

Say (O Muhammad): O mankind Lo: I am the messenger of ALLAH to you all.

He (Allah) it is Who has sent forth His Apostle with guidance and true faith to make it triumphant over all religions, however much the polytheists may dislike it.

O mankind: an admonition has come to you from your Lord, a healing for what is in the hearts, a guide and blessing to true believers.

Say (Muhammad): O mankind' the truth has come to you from your Lord. He that follows the right path follows it to his own advantage, and he that goes astray does so at his own peril.

It (QUR'AN) is a reminder to all mankind.

We have revealed to you this book (QUR'AN) so that, by the will of their Lord, you may lead mankind from darkness to light; to the path of the Mighty, Glorious One: the path of ALLAH to whom belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth.

This (QUR'AN) is clear message to mankind. Let them heed thereby, and know that ALLAH is One God. Let the wise bear this in mind.

And we revealed to you the Reminder (QUR'AN) so that you may make clear to mankind what has been revealed to them, and that they may give thought.

Blessed be He Who has revealed the criterion (of right and wrong) to His slave, that he may be a Warner to all mankind.

(O Muhammad)! We have sent you forth to all mankind, so that you may give them good news and warm them. But most men have no knowledge.

This (QUR'AN) is an admonition to all mankind.

To ALLAH alone is true obedience due.

We have revealed to you (Muhammad) the book in truth for (the instruction of) mankind. He that follows the right path shall follow it to his own advantage; and he that goes astray Shall do so at his own peril.

It is He Who has sent His Apostle with guidance and the religion of truth to make it prevail over all religions.

It is He who has sent His Apostle with Guidance and the religion of Truth that He make It prevails over all religion even though the polytheists may resent.

IMAN (FAITH)   go to top

The essence of ISLAM is IMAN (FAITH). Iman is the belief of the heart i.e. intellectual conviction and assent that everything Muhammad (Peace be upon him) taught and conveyed was true, is true and shall forever remain true. He who has Iman is called Mumin (Faithful). In order to be a Muslim (follower of Islam) one has to be a Mumin. To follow Islam without Iman is hypocrisy and has no worth in Allah's sight.


Every Mumin (Faithful) must firmly believe in and be fully convinced of the truth of the following facts:

1. ALLAH (GOD): Important aspects of this belief are:ALLAH is the Owner of sovereignty. The sovereignty of every monarch, president, any individual or body of individuals, parliament or the people as a whole must play a subservient role to Allah's sovereignty. The Laws revealed by ALLAH to Muhammad (Peace be upon him) for the mankind are supreme and binding on all and any law made in derogation to those Laws is null and void.ALLAH is One He alone is to be worshipped. He has no mother, no father, no wife, no son, no daughter, and no relation whatever. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent. He is not dependent on anybody, anything, everything, everybody is dependent on Him. He created the entire universe and everything in it. He is the Lord of all creations. He gives life and causes death. He gives provisions to all creatures. He neither eats, nor drinks nor sleeps. He has no beginning, no end. He is not a substance, not an element, not a body. He is not inherent in a body or dwelling in a place. He has no hands, legs, eyes, ears, nose, mouth etc. He does not take the shape or form of anybody or thing. He sees everything, hears everything, and knows everything. He has power over everything. He does what he likes etc. etc.

2. BELIEF IN THE ANGELS: Important aspects of this belief are: ALLAH has created angels. They are countless in number. They execute the orders of ALLAH and praise Him day and night. They strictly and completely obey the will of ALLAH. They do not do and cannot do anything by their own will or pleasure. There are four Archangels: Jibril, the messenger who brought messages from ALLAH to his prophets and apostles 2. Israfil who will sound the trumpet at the day of resurrection; 3: Mikail who arranges rain and sustenance to all the creatures and 4. Izrail: the angel of death. Two other important angels are Ridwan, the guardian of heaven, and Malik, the superintendent of Hell, Munkar and Nakir are two angels who visit every person after his/her death to examine his/her belief during his/her lifetime. Two Recording Angels (Kiramin Katibin) constantly observe every person and note down all his/her good or bad words, deeds and acts to be produced on the Day of Judgment. The angels are created of light and are neither male nor female and have no personal requirements food, drink, sex etc.It is a major sin to worship the angel(s) or make supplication to them.

3. BELIEF IN THE SCRIPTURES: Important aspects of this belief are: ALLAH sent down his messengers from time to time in every part of the world through His apostles for the guidance of mankind. Those messages were inspired, revealed and recorded in sacred books. Some of such Books are Gospel, Pentateud and the Psalms. The last such Book is Qur'an All the pre- Qur'anic divine Books have undergone so many alterations and corruptions that their existing editions and copies are not credible. Now the only inspired, revealed and sacred Book for the guidance of mankind is the Holy Qur'an, which has repealed all earlier Books. Allah's revelations have closed and no new divine Book is to be inspired or revealed. The Holy Qur'an has to be obeyed and followed by the whole mankind in all matters whatever.

4. BELIEF IN APOSTLES: Important matters of this belief are: From time to time and in every part of the world ALLAH appointed some men as His prophets or apostles for the guidance of mankind. All prophets and apostles were human beings and slaves of ALLAH. The angel Jibril brought the message of ALLAH to His prophets and apostles. The number of apostles and prophets is 1,24000 (one lac twenty four thousand). Most important apostles are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses [to whom Pentateuch or Torah was revealed], David [to whom the Psalms or Zabur was revealed], Jesus [to whom Gospel or Injil was revealed] and Muhammad (peace be upon him) [to whom Qur'an was revealed]. All prophets and apostles were men of unimpeachable integrity and moral character. Muhammad is the last, the seal of prophets/apostles. There will be no new prophet or apostle till eternity. Muhammad is to be obeyed and followed by the whole mankind forever in all matters whatever.It is a major sin to worship prophet (s)/apostle (s) or make supplication to them.

5. BELIEF IN THE LAST DAY: It is to be believed that a day will come when all creatures in heaven and on earth will die or annihilated. ALLAH alone will be existing on that day.

6. BELIEF IN THE PREDESTINATION OF GOOD AND EVIL BY ALLAH: It is to be believed that before creating any living being, substance, element, thing, object etc. etc. Allah determined a proportion or measure for him/her/it. Whatever happens in the universe is in accordance with the said predetermined proportion or measure.

7. REBIRTH AFTER DEATH: It is to be believed that after the Last Day ALLAH will bring all creatures to life again and all human beings who had ever existed on earth will also be brought to life and a accounts of their words, deeds and acts on earth will be taken and reward for good and punishment for evil will be given.The above-mentioned beliefs have been couched into the following two formulas and it is beneficial for a Muslim to reiterate the same frequently to strengthen his/her Iman (faith):


I believe in ALLAH and His angels and His scriptures and His apostles and the Last Day and the predestination of good and evil by ALLAH and rebirth after death.

Concise Formula of Faith

I belief in ALLAH as He is by His Names and by His Attributes and I accept all His commands.

The most valuable in the sight of ALLAH are the words, deeds, and acts of a person whereby he/she proclaims the unity of ALLAH or praises or glorifies Him or seeks pardon from ALLAH for his/her sins. There are seven formulas the frequent recitation of which with sincerity and devotion preserves, promotes and strengthens one's Iman (Faith) and attracts the mercy and bounty of ALLAH.

1. Formula of Excellence.


There is no God but ALLAH and Muhammad is Allah's apostle.

2. Formula of Testification.

I testify that there is no God but ALLAH, the One, the Partnerless and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and apostle.

3. Formula of Glorification.

Glory be to ALLAH and praise be to ALLAH and there is no God but ALLAH and ALLAH is great and there is no resistance and no power but with ALLAH, the High, the Vast.

4.Formula of Monotheism.

There is no God but ALLAH, the One, the Partnerless. His is the Sovereignty and His is the Praise. He gives life and causes death. The good is in His Hand and He is Powerful over all things.

5. Formula of Praise.

Glory be to ALLAH and Praise be for Him, Glory be to ALLAH, the High, the Vast and Praise be for Him. I seek pardon of ALLAH for all the sins and repent unto Him.

6. Formula of Repelling Disbelief.

O ALLAH! I seek your refuge from associating anything as Your partner while I know it and I seek Your forgiveness for doing so while I don't know it. I repent for that and I dissociate myself from disbelief, polytheism and all the sins. I surrender and I believe and I say that there is no God but ALLAH and Muhammad is Allah's apostle.

7. Formula of Pardon.

I seek the pardon of ALLAH, my Lord, for all the sins, which I committed deliberately or mistakenly, secretly or openly and I repent unto Him for the sins, which I know, and for the sin, which I do not know. Verily, You are the knower of the Unseens and the Forgiver of sins and the Cleaner of hearts and there is no resistance and no power but with ALLAH, the High, the Vast.

ISLAMIC LIFE- VIEW   go to top

Life on this earth is ephemeral. This earth itself is ephemeral and so are all things in it. The life after death will be eternal and endless. The pleasures of this world, and also the pains, have no significance in comparison to the pleasures and pains of the After- life. The never- ending pleasures of the After- life can be attained by living this life in perfect and complete obedience to Allah's commands on the pattern of the life of the holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his exalted companions (be Allah pleased with them). Allah's commands extend to the whole gamut of a man's/woman's life and so in all his/her words, deeds and acts of omission and commission a person has to obey ALLAH in accordance with the teachings and instructions of the holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his exalted companions (be Allah pleased with them). Nobody has the liberty to live in his/her own way ignoring or violating Allah's commands. The first and foremost thing to do to attain the everlasting pleasures of the After- life is to perform the following four obligatory devotional practices mandated by ALLAH and performed by the holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his exalted companions (be Allah pleased with them) and all true Muslims thereafter up to date:



To worship Allah five times everyday at appointed times in the prescribed manner. For performing prayer it is obligatory to cleanse one's body in the prescribed manner from all pollution, filth and superfluities. These five prayer- services are:
1. Morning Prayer (performed between dawn and sunrise)
2. Noon Prayer (performed between the inclination of the sun towards the west and the time when the shadow of a person shall be the length of his own stature)
3. Afternoon Prayer (between the expiration of the time for Noon Prayer and the time when the sun assumes a yellow appearance)
4. Evening Prayer (between the sunset and the disappearance of the red appearance on the horizon) and
5. Night Prayer (between the closing in of night and the beginning of dawn).


To give every year a prescribed portion out of one's such properties as money, gold, silver, merchandise, cattle, agricultural produce etc.


Total abstinence from food, drink and cohabitation from dawn to dusk for one month in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar namely Ramadan.


To visit the Kaba the holy house at Mecca in Saudi Arabia in the 12th month of the Islamic calendar once in one's life if one is possibly able to do it.
It is considered meritorious to perform additional prayers, besides the above- mentioned obligatory ones and to give more and more to the poor and the needy etc besides the annual payment of poor- due and to perform additional fasting for some days in every month and to perform additional pilgrimage from time to time.



In an Islamic State the government must be a government of ALLAH, for ALLAH, by ALLAH. In other words, in an Islamic government ALLAH must be recognized as the King or immediate Ruler and His Laws must be taken as the statute- book and the head of such government must act as the representative of ALLAH. As the commands of ALLAH cover all the spheres of a man's/woman's private and public, personal and social lives every act of omission and commission by a man/woman in a Muslim State must be in complete accordance with Allah's commands. In an Islamic socio- political system Allah's commands must prevail and be regarded as supreme having over riding effects over any other command by whomever.

And He is ALLAH: there is no God but He To Him
Be praise, at the first and at the last:
For Him is the command, and to Him shall ye (All) be brought back
(Quran: 28:70)

Nor does
He share His command
With any person whatever.
(Quran: 28: 27)

'Have we any say in the matter?' they ask.
Say to them: All is in the hands of ALLAH'
(Quran: 3: 154)


Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the greatest of all men and leaders who have ever existed or will ever exist on this earth. In his life he acted, at some times or the other as an ordinary person, as a trader, as a manager, as a husband, as a father, as a master, as an apostle, as a friend, as a warrior, as a peace- maker, as a judge etc etc. At sometime or the other in his life he was happy, unhappy, angry, shocked, grief- stricken, smiling, joking, ill, injured, tried, relaxed, sleeping, eating, drinking, walking etc etc. In every position and condition what he said or did and for any other position and condition what he said to be done is the best human conduct and behavior. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was richly furnished with natural endowments, beautiful in person, of a subtle wit, agreeable behavior, showing liberality to the poor courtesy to every one, fortitude against his enemies and, above all, a high reverence for the name of ALLAH (GOD); severe against the perjurers, adulterers, murderers, slanderers, prodigal, covetous, false witness etc, a great preacher of patience, charity, mercy beneficence, gratitude, honoring of parents and superiors and a great celebrator of the divine praises. All Muslims in an Islamic state particularly those at the helm of public affairs must esteem Muhammad (peace be upon him) as their role model and obey, follow and imitate him in faith and practice, words and deeds, dress and diet, manners and habits and each and every other matter.

(O Muhammad) say: ' If you do Love ALLAH,
Follow me: ALLAH will love you...

We sent not an Apostle,
But to be obeyed, accordance
With the will of ALLAH
(4: 64)

Now hath come unto you
A Messenger from amongst
Yourselves: it grieves him
That you should suffer:
Ardently anxious is he
Over you: to the Believers
Is he most kind and merciful.
(9: 128)

We sent you not, but
As a mercy for all creatures.
(21: 107)

We have not sent you
But as a (Messenger)
To all mankind, giving them
Glad tidings, and warning them
(Against sin), but most men
Know not.
(34: 28)


In Islam the whole world is one unit and as the kingdom of ALLAH and all the people inhabiting the world belong to one family being the children of Adam and slavers of ALLAH. The division of this world into nation- states and division of the people of the world into the nationals of particular nation- states is man made and artificial. Islam creates a confraternity of its followers and its nationalism is one with internationalism. All believers in Islam are brothers irrespective of the part of the world to which they belong and they believe in ALLAH who is the Lord of the whole world and they follow prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is ALLAH'S messenger for the entire mankind and they seek guidance from the holy Quran which contains divine guidance for all human beings and their sacred Law is Universal Law. In Islamic socio- political system all the regions of the world which join it get mingled into one single state to be governed by one ruler with one law. Territorial and regional pride and prejudice have no place in Islam.

Mankind was one single nation
(2: 13)

O Mankind! Reverence
Your Guardian- Lord,
Who created you
From a single person,
Created, of like nature,
His mate, and from them twain
Scattered (like seeks)
Countless men and women;-
(4: 1)


Islam has comprehensively defined the right conduct and has pointed out the wrong conduct in all matters in every sphere of life. In Islam all human activities have been divided into right and good, on the one hand, and wrong and the evil, on the other hand. What is right and good has to be propagated and promoted for the creation of a healthy, progress and truly welfare society. What is wrong and evil how to be eradicated to save the individual and society from disaster and ruin. Islam has, therefore, made it compulsory for the state as well as for every individual and groups of individuals to incessantly enjoin the right and forbid the wrong.

You are the best
Of Peoples, evolved
For mankind,
Enjoying what is right,
Forbidding what is wrong,
(3: 110)

Let there arise out of you
A band of people,
Inviting to all that is good,
Enjoining what is right,
And forbidding what is wrong,
(3: 104)


All men/women are the descendants of the same father and mother namely Adam and Eve and hence they have the same blood running in their veins. Their Creator also is One namely ALLAH. No person is superior to another on the ground of birth, family, race, tribe, colour, language, birthplace, region etc. Holy Quran dealers:

O mankind! We created
You from a single (pair)
Of a male and female,
And made you into
Nations and tribes, that
You may know each other.
(Quran: 49:13)

This is an Islamic polity the apparent difference between one person or group of persons and another person or group of persons is for the purpose of identity only and not a ground for superiority or inferiority. On the basic of their creation and birth all men/women are equal and be treated equally by an Islamic Govt.


Islamic tries at creating a truly pious welfare society. In order to achieve this aim Islam creates a brotherhood of Muslims in order that they live like brothers and co- operate with each other in enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.

The Holy Quran proclaims:
For you (Muslims) were enemies (before Islam)
And He joined your hearts
In love, so that by His Grace
You became brethren:
(3: 103)

Verily this Ummah
Of yours is a single Ummah (brotherhood)
(21: 92)

The Believers are but
A single Brotherhood
(49: 10)

Thus in an Islamic state the govt must always be careful and take effective steps to promote brotherhood among Muslims.
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This page is developed by Umar Abdullah