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THE BRAHMIN POWER The following are the statistics taken from an article by Mr. Khushwanth Singh, which appeared in 'SUNDAY' - an English periodical. These figures show how Brahmins who represent about 3.5% of India's population hold the real control of India! Out of 26 State Chief Secretaries 19 Brahmins 73% Out of 3300 I.A.S Officers 2376 Brahmins 72% Out of 500 Asst. Secretaries 310 Brahmins 62% Out of 438 D.Cs 250 Brahmins 57% Out of 16 Supreme Court Judges 9 Brahmins 56% Out of 98 Vice Chancellor 50 Brahmins 51% Out of 330 High Court Judges 116 Brahmins 50% Out of 27 Vice Chancellor 50 Brahmins 48% Out of 140 Ambassadors 50 Brahmins 41% Out of 530 Members of Parliament  50 Brahmins 36% Out of 244 Rajyasabha Members 89 Brahmins 37% History shows that Islam came to India in the 7th century itself. Since then, till the beginning of the 20th century, Muslims could live the India with others in harmony and peace, without facing any 'Hindu-Muslim riots'. It remained so till the advent of Gandhi in India. One example of the Hindu-Muslim unity and fraternity is the 'Lucknow Pact' of 1916. "After 1913 the Hindu-Muslim relations began to improve dramatically. Jinnah and Tilak played the most prominent part. The Muslim League session of 1914 was attended by Dr. Ansari, Maulana Azad and Hakim Ajmal Khan. This session laid special emphasis on the need for a closer rapprochement between the two communities. On the initiative of Jinnah in 1915, the sessions of both the congress and the League were held in Bombay at the same time. The League session was attended by the Congress Leaders. It was resolved that the Congress and the League should work together in formulating a common scheme of post-war reforms and press for its adoption by the government… The process of Hindu-Muslim unity was moving very rapidly and manifested itself during the 'Congress Week'. In the middle of 1916 again both the Congress and the League sessions were held in Lucknow at the same time." (Gandhi Saint or Sinner? Page 42)
During 1922-23, some anti-Brahmin riots took-place in Maharashtra. This was one instance of rebellion by low-caste communities, after suffering untold misery and humiliation from the upper-castes for ages. Dr. Hedgevar (Hindutva ideologue and RSS founder) Veer Savarkar and others, for the first time, gave the name 'Hindu-Muslim riots' to these disturbances. This was the only way for them to guard the previleged upper castes and their social hegemony from the wrath of newly awakened lower-castes. They had to create some convenient enemy, and they chose the Muslim. The Muslim was to be the enemy of 'Hindu' and they were to collect all the rest under the banner of 'Hindutva'. In the process continuing their domination over the suppressed lower-castes. This trick is put to use even today, especially in northern India. This trick has worked on the more general level too, because, even to this day Brahmins continue to occupy about 90% of the top positions in the country;s governmental, economical and educational institutions. Meanwhile, the exploited majority - (Daliths and Backward Castes) are cleverly kept occupied fighting Muslims in riots. The following extract supports this explanation: "The centrality of Maharashtra in the formation of the ideology and Organization of Hindutva in the mid-1920s might appear rather surprising, as Muslims here were a small minority and hardly a threat, and there and been no major riots in this region during the early 1920s. But Maharashtra had witnessed a powerful anti-Brahmin Movement of back-ward castes from 1870 onwards, when Jyotiba Phule had founded his Satyashodhak Samaj. By the 1920s, the Dalits, too, had started Organizing themselves under Ambedkar. Hindutva in 1925 as in 1990-91, was an upper caste bid to restore a slipping hegemony: RSS' self image of its own history, we shall see shortly, makes this abundantly clear." (Khaki Shorts saffron flags page..10-11) Let us also examine the following remarks by Dr. Hedgevar (The founder of RSS) at the time of founding the RSS: "Personal quarrels raged all round. Conflicts between various communities had started. Brahmin-non-Brahmin conflict was nakedly on view. No organization was integrated or united. The Yavan-Snakes (Muslims) reared in the milk of Non-Co-operation were provoking riots in the nation with their poisonous hissing" (Dr. Hedgewar, Founder of RSS, Ibid p…14) Now note how this is explained: "The Catalogue of riots is similarly twisted, to present the Moplah Rebellion-actually far more of the peasant rising against landlords than a straightforward communal disturbance-as a culmination (it had in reality preceded the other riots that had been listed by several years.) And Hedgewar's account clearly reveals the centrality for him of the Brahmin-Non-Brahmin conflict. Organized Hindutva emerges right from the beginning as an upper-caste reaction to efforts at self-assertion by downtrodden groups within the Hindu fold." (Ibid page…15-16) This explains the need for the launching of the RSS, which leads the 'Hindutva' movement today.
The Brahmins/Upper-Castes have two objectives behind organizing Hindu-Muslim riots. First, to stop the conversion of lower-castes to Islam-who find it an escape from the centuries - old suffering and humiliation under the upper-castes. Second, to make a bloody scare-crow out of a Muslim, a handy enemy, who could be an effective diversion for these communities from their real plaguing problems of hunger, unemployment and slavery of Brahmins. Now they can go and fight and die, all for nothing, as the following remarks show. "These theocratic trends are firmly embedded in the Brahminical social order which, far from being and promoted institutionalized discrimination and brutality, against the lower castes. Instead of attacking this, 'Hindutva' forces want to retain the upper caste hegemony by marking out the minorities as the enemy and creating a superficial Hindu identity. On the surface, the VHP and the RSS have done a lot of work among the lower castes and tribal to prevent their conversions and the BJP has even acquired a support base among sections of the backward castes. But the entire approach of the 'Hindutva' forces to these sections is not to empower them by radically altering the oppression but merely to sanskritise them and use them in the immediate battle against Muslims and secularists… while the lower castes may be used as cannon fodder during 'Hindu-Muslim Riots,' it is the well-to-do Hindus who are today in the forefront of the Hindutva Movement to retain those privileges which are being threatened in a static society that is rapidly turning dynamic" (Manini Chatterjee, Frontline, September 10, 1993, P..10) The Present day communal problem, though apparently a problem of Muslims, is more of a problem of the real majority of India, i.e., Lower-castes and Daliths. Because, their Socio-economic progress is dependent on this issue. As long as the 'Hindu-Muslim' hatred is there with enough riots, one cannot hope to see the struggle of these communities for their social liberation succeed. Because they will be busy fighting their manufactured enemies-Muslims, under the Leadership of their very oppressors. This was what Dr. Ambedkar called "Slaves enjoying their Slavery."
The following lines selected from a book unmask the cruel anti-socialistic and anti-BCs/Dalits face of the 'Hindutva' Movement of RSS-VHP-BJP combine, aided and abetted by the Congress (Brahmin) Leadership. "A major feature of 80's politics has been the catapulting of the OBC sections, especially the Yadavs, into political pre-eminence in the two crucial states of Bihar and U.P. Their insistence on a corresponding share in educational and job opportunities strained a system which, since independence, had guaranteed implicit upper caste dominance in the key, inter related sectors of political governance, administration and business. The failure of the Congress to appropriate their demands created an ideological crisis in 'mainstream' politics. While the Congress 'Consensus' that had in effect been complicity with upper caste domination started to come under strain, there was corresponding consolidation among the upper castes to face this new challenge in new ways. It was Hindutva with its militant unified Hinduism that offered a counter thrust to the OBCs while disguising this with its public disavowal of caste…. At the VHP rally in Delhi on April 4, a slogan that came up from the floor was "Jis Hindu ka khoon na khola, wah Hindu nahin, wah bhangi hai" (those Hindus who have't shed blood are not Hindus, but of the sweeper caste). (Khaki…. Page 88-89)
Can anybody believe that the today's so-called 'Patriots' are the same people who once refused to join anti-British freedom movement of India? Here is a proof of the anti-national face of these patriots: "But he was strangely reticent about the foreigners who were actually ruling the country when "We or our Nationhood Defined" was published. And his writings even include a passage that was critical of anti-British nationalism…. The RSS therefore kept totally aloof from the many anti-British movements of the 1940": (Ibid…. Page 29) Also the 'Hindutva' theory and practice are covertly hostile towards the interests of the working class as we see in the following lines: "As with caste, the VHP-RSS track record reveals no sign of involvement with class struggles. We found no discussion of rural class struggles, let alone an involvement in such issues. S.K. Verma, let alone an BMS (Bokaro Majdoor Sabha) Union at the Bokaro Steel Plant, told us that they opposed strikes on labour demands since they destabilize the national economy. The VHP leaflet- "Warning-- India in Danger" reffered to strikes as a sign of communist treachery against the nation-- especially among railway workers, bank employees and karmacharis'… The BMS motto is, 'rashtrahit' first, 'mazdoorhit' second. Rashtrahit (Walfare of the Nation) is identified with Hinduhit (Hindu Welfare), and the BMS receives regular postal instructions from VHP…" (Ibid.. Page 90)
The dreaded 'Manusmrithi' and 'Artha Shastra' are the ultimate law to the present day 'Hindutva' brigade, which, if implemented, can doubtlessly degrade the majority of this country (Dalits/BCs) to a state worse than that of animals, as we see in the following statements: "For the VHP, however the Sanskrit treasure trove is not constituted by either classical literature or the philosophies, but primarily by prescriptive texts. 'Manusmriti' and 'Arthashastra' are taken to be specially central to the idea of 'Hindu Rashtra'. It is interesting to remember that the 'Manusmriti' prescribes a rigidly stratified caste and gender hierarchy, while the 'Arthashastra' recommends a police state under a single despotic head. These remain live and valid traditions for the VHP" (Ibid P.66) Now let us examine what this 'Manusmriti' offers to our countrymen: "Now what does the Manusmriti say? Having firmly established the hereditary division of society into the caste system, the Manusmriti says: "Serving Brahmins alone is recommended as the best innate activity of a shudra; for whatever he does other than this bear no fruit for him" (123, Chapter X). "They should give him (Shudra) the leftovers of their food, their old clothes, the spoiled parts of their grain, and their worn-out household utensisl" (125, Chapter X). "A servant (Shudra) should not amass wealth, even if he has the ability, for servant (Shudra) who has amassed welth annoys priests" (129, Chaper X) (All these quotations are from Doniger and Smith, 1991)" ('What is this Hindu Rashtra?' - Sitaram Yachury, A Frontline Publication, P 16-17) Manusmriti has more interesting things for our women folk. "Specific inhuman treatment is meted out to women: "In childhood a woman should be under her father's control, in Youth under her husband's, and when her husband is dead, under her son's. She should not have independence" (148, Chapter V). Further: "Good looks do not matter to them, nor do they care about youth; 'A man!' they say, and enjoy sex with him whether he is good-looking or ugly"(14). "By running after men like whores, by their fickle minds, and by their natural lack of affection these women are unfaithful to their husbands even when they are zealously guarded here" (15)., "Knowing that their very own nature is like this as it was born at the creation by the Lord of Creatures, a man should make the utmost effort to guard them" (16). "The bed and the seat jewelry, lust, anger, crookedness, a malicious nature, and bad conduct are what Manu assigned to women; this is a firmly established point a law. For women, who have no virile strength and no Vedic verses, are false hood; this is well established" (19, Chapter IX) While there is a lengthy description of the code that should govern man's relations with women, for the woman the Manusmriti has the following: "But a woman who is unfaithful to her husband is an object of reproach in this world: (then) she is reborn in the womb of a jackal and is tormented by the diseases (born) of (her) evil" (30, Chapter IX) (Ibid P 17-18) With the above quotations, Sitaram Yachury gives his opinion about the 'Hindu Rashtra' as follows: "The Vision of a social order under the Hindu Rashtra is thus one which legitimises both the inhuman caste oppression and the denial of elementary rights to women. Under such a dispensation, criminal practices such as Sati may not only be legitimised but may well be glorified." (Ibid… P 18-19)
In addition to its Anti-National, Anti-Workmen, Anti-Dalit & BCs and pro-'Manu' ideology, the 'Hindutva' or 'Hindu Rashtra' is nothing but an Indian incarnation of Fascism, as we can see from the following observations: "Having thus "established" that the Hindus were always and continue to remain a nation on the basis of an unscientific and a historical analysis, Golwalkar proceeds to assert the intolerant, theocratic content of such a Hindu nation: …..The conclusion is unquestionably forced upon us that… in Hindusthan exists the ancient Hindu nation and thought else but the Hindu Nation. All those not belonging to the national, i.e., Hindu Race, Religion, Culture and Language naturally fall out of the pail of real 'National' life. We repeat: in Hindusthan, the land of the Hindus, lives and should live the Hindu Nation- satisfying all the five essential requirements of the scientific nation concept of the modern world. Consequently only those movements are truly 'National' as aim at rebuilding, revitalizing and emancipating from its present stupor, the Hindu Nation. Those only are nationalist patriots, who, with aspiration to glorify the Hindu race and nation next to their heart, are prompted into activity and strive to achieve that goal. All others are either traitors and enemies to the National cause, or, to take a charitable view, idiots" (Golwalkar, 1939, P 43-44). He continues: "We must bear in mind that so far as 'nation' is converned, all those who fall outside the five-fold limits of that idea, can have no place in the national life, unless they abandon their differences, adopt the religion, culture and language of the Nation and completely merge themselves in the National Race. So long, however, as they maintain their racial, religious and cultural differences, they cannot but be only foreigners" (Golwalkar, 1939, P 45) And further: "There are only two courses open to the foreign elements, either to merge themselves in the national race and adopt its culture, or to live at its mercy so long as the national race may allow them to do so and to quit the country at the weet will of the national race…. From this standpoint, sanctioned by the Hindusthan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., of the Hindu Nation and must lose their separate existence to wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment-not even citizen's rights. There is, at least should be no other course for them to adopt. We are an old nation; let us deal, as old nations ought to and do deal, with the foreign races, who have chosen to live in our country." (Golwalkar, 1939, P 47-48) Inspiration from Fascism: "And how should such 'old nations' deal? The adulation of fascist Germany could not have been more naked. "The ancient Race spirit, which prompted the Germanic tribes to over-run the whole of Europe, has re-risen in modern Germany, with the result that the Nation perforce follows aspirations, predetermined by the traditions left by its depredatory ancestors. Even so with us: our Race spirit has once again roused itself as is evidenced by the race of spiritual gaints we have produced, and who today stalk the world in serene majesty" (Golwalkar, 1939, P 32) Further: "To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the semitic Races- the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by." (Golwalkar, 1939, P 35) Hitler, thus emerges as the "Guruji's Guru". This, in fact, exposes the diabolic nature of the RSS' political project. It has no compunction in borrowing a thoroughly modern and western concept of fascism, but making it appear in the garb of upholding Hindu religion and all that is ancient. All other Western concepts and civilisational advances are condemned as 'alien', except for fascism!" (Sitaram Yachury, Ibid, P 13-14) These details show that all these 'Hindu-Muslim riots' or 'Anti-Muslim riots' or 'Hindu-Hith' (Hindu welfare) movements etc. are not essentially against Muslims. The Muslim is chosen as a convenient target, to be an 'OUTSIDER', an enemy, to cover-up a deep-rooted conspiracy against the Daliths and Backward Communities. So we can straightforwardly call this movement 'ANTI-NATIONAL', because, what is against the majority of a country cannot be for the good of the country. Perhaps, the Hindutva brotherhood has a calculative plan in its mind; to liquidate the 25 crore Muslims, at the expense of say, another 15 crore 'Hindus' who, if everything works according to the plans, would be mainly Daliths and Backward Communities. (Very few upper-caste Hindus die in the 'riots'). The resulting demographic situation would be much more comfortable for the upper-castes; from a minority of about 15% today they should be happy non-minority over 25% then. This idea crosses Guruji Golwalkar's mind when he reflects about chinese designs as to India in his 'Bunch of Thoughs'. Thus, a fight agaist this movement is a fight against a real Anti-National-Force and that has to be understood clearly, before it is too late. Go TopReferences: "Khaki shorts saffron flags" Publisher Orient Longmen, Hyderabad. Writers Tapan Basu, Pradip Datta, Sumit Sarkar, Tanika Sarkar, Sambuddhasen. "Gandhi, Saint or Sinner?" Publishers - Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, Author Fazlul Haq. "Frontline" - English Forthnightly, Sept 10, 1993. "What is this 'Hindu Rashtra'?" - Sita ram Yachury - A Frontline Publication. |
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