Every Muslim who is of Iman and high Islamic spirits has to do AMALS, dictated by AL QURAN and SUNNAH. President Islamic Dawah Mission of India C-11-42, Bhoopathi Nagar Kodambakkam, MADRAS-600 024
(Brother Abdullah Adiyar took part in Meeladi Nabi celebration in and around at Madras City. This is collection of his speeches which made NON-MUSLIMS to understand Islam in a better way.) Why they are celebrating it in the Public Places with sound and light and invite Non-Muslims to take part in it? If the claim that Islam, which is the best religion of the world is for them only and the Holy Prophet who is the paragon of virtues is their own master and mentor, what will be the reaction among Non-Muslims? They will be put under mental agony, upset and even jealous, which may lead to hatred. But it is not so, if we speak the truth, NO MUSLIM IS ENTITLED TO CLAIM THE HOLY PROPHET AND ISLAM AS THEIR OWN PROPERTY! MOREOVER THEY HAVE NO PROOF FOR THEIR CLAIM. Then who is the Holy Prophet? He is the Prophet for Muslims, Christians, Hindus, ATHEISTS RATIONALISTS AND THOSE WHO HAVE ON RELIGION AT ALL. Of course, he is the Prophet for the whole mankind. For this claim we have the necessary proof in the HOLY QURAN. In the chapter of "PROPHETS"- Allah (SWT) says that THE HOLY PROPHET IS THE MERCY TO MANKIND. (ALL MEN OF WORLD). Christian friends may ask 'Is he a prophet to us?" Yes! Because Muslims consider that the Christians are the people of Book. Al Quran says "O! People of book! Truly our Prophet came among you". It refers the coming of the Holy Prophet (Sal) among Christians. But Christians may question this for they want a proof in their scriptures. If they read the chapter of New Testament about the coming of comforter which was delivered by Jesus himself, the Christians will see the qualities and functions of the comforter are more relevant of those with Holy Prophet. If the Christians realize this, they have to accept the Holy Prophet as their Prophet. PROPHET FOR HINDUS Some may ask that how an Arabian can be a Prophet for Indian Hindus? But in the Scriptures of Hindus Particularly in RIG VEDA and BHAVISHIYA PURANA some slokas (verses) are referring about the coming of a Prophet from a desert, riding in a Camel! His name was mentioned as 'MAHA MATH'. It is nothing but the reference of MOHAMMAD (SAL). A Hindu scholar was very much agitated against my observations and said that nothing was left in the preaching of Hindus. In the angry mood and wrath he asked me to prove what "new message" was said in Islam other than the message of Hinduism. When I saw his anger, I smiled and accepted that no new message was said in Islam and quoted from Al Quran that no new message was said other than the message of previous scriptures and Prophets. He was very much pleased and in good mood to hear what I was going to say. "Of course there is a message of oneness of God in Hindu religion. UPANISHADS are telling about it. Tamil Saint TIRUMOOLAR declared "ONE GOD and ONE CLAN". But there are verses and versions about the worship of many Gods. "Of course there is song of SIVA-VAKKIAR condemning the worship of stone Gods. But there are songs about stone worshiping. "Even about the virtues and worldly life there are teachings in Hinduism as in Islam. But the contradictory and confusing statements are prevailing in Hinduism. That's why MAHATMA GANDHI accepted that the teaching of ISLAM IS UNADULTERETED and whereas HINDUS CONFUSED ALL PHILOSPHIES AND THE WAY OF LIFE". So, Hinduism is like a forest which has all sorts of flowers but scattered among the bushes. But ISLAM IS LIKE A FLOWER GARDEN IN FRONT OF YOUR HOUSE. "In Hinduism there are necessary teachings with unnecessary utterances. But in Islam, the necessaries are in order". The Hindu Scholar was pleased but put a question about the acceptance of the Holy Prophet as his Prophet. "If you accept the teachings of Islam is more nearer as the flowers in your garden . The GARDENER IS THE PROPHET. He gives the necessary advice's to your way of life and warns about the unnecessary and Evil. He teaches you to get rid of the evil and direct you to get hold of good and right. "If anybody gives you the good things, are you going to negate it?" "If any teacher warns about the bad and evil, are you going to adhere them?" "If he shows the right path are your going to turn your face?" The Hindu Scholar became silent. THAT SILENCE MEANT THAT HIS MIND BECAME MOISTURE ENOUGH TO ACCEPT THE SEED OF RIGHT PATH. After that I told him that the Hindu Society, Particularly of the South is a society with the broad-mindedness comparing with the other societies of the world. Hindus will accept a good preacher irrespective of his nation or race. So, if they find that the Holy Prophet as a preacher who preached nothing but good and right, Hindus will accept the Holy Prophet as their Prophet. The Hindu scholar node his head with deep thought. Insha Allah, like him, Hindus will accept the Holy Prophet as their in near future. PROPHET TO ATHEISTS Christians and Hindus are the god believing people; But if the Atheists have no belief in God and Prophets, then now the Holy Prophet for them and how Atheists are going to accept the Holy Prophet. After all, the so called Atheists are human beings and THE CHILDREN OF ADAM. Why they became atheist and negated the God and religion. Some may say that the stories fabricated about God without any reason or sense and malpractice's of the institutions of religions and religionists made them as rebels and pushed them to the corner of no return to negate God and Religion. Some may condemn the Atheist as the devils, who blame and oppose God. BUT, IF WE ATTAIN THE WISDOM OF ISLAM, WE WON'T BLAME OR CONDEMN ATHEIST. A TRUE MUSLIM WILL SYMPATHIZE FOR ATHEIST.
Why this mercy towards the Atheists? YES! ALLAH IS RAHMAN - the most merciful. Now if you remember the words of Al Quran about the Holy Prophet as the MERCY to the mankind you could depict as follows. THE MERCIFUL GAVE A MERCY TO THE MANKIND AND THEREFORE THAT MERCY IS also FOR ATHEISTS, WHO IS A SECTION OF MANKIND. SO, THE HOLY PROPHET IS A PROPHET FOR ATHEISTS ALSO. I can explain with an example. If a college principal sends a lecturer to a class, he will become the teacher to all students of the class, he will become the teacher to all students of the class. Even if some students are not ready to accept this, the teacher is the teacher to them also. So, the Holy Prophet to Atheist, whether they accept him or not. But, look at Atheists of the world! They criticize - blame all other Prophets preachers, and religions. TO EVERYBODY'S ASTONISHMENT ISLAM AND THE HOLY PROPHET WAS ADORED AND HAILED BY MANY ATHEISTS AND RETIONALISTS AS THE BEST. The well known atheist of the world, INGERSOL hailed Islam as the earthy religion. He said that when the medieval Christian preachers were propagating only about the Heaven, Islam preached the wisdom of this world. In Tamil Nadu of Indian, PERIYAR E.V. RAMASAWAMY was an atheist of 'no compromise'. But he hailed that Islam is the salvation to slavery and the medicine to the disease of untouchability. Moreover he declared that Islam will give freedom - Courage, and wisdom to all. HIS disciple DR. ANNADURAI said that Islam teaches every subject and preaches all goods things. The specialty in it is the teachings of Islam are proved by the Holy Prophet throughout his life. Nothing left unproved. "His smile, sweet words and the unlimited patience made me a 'devotee' of him". Thus said Annadurai. NO PROPHET OF ANY RELIGION WAS ABLE TO DEMOLISH THE RESTRICTED AND CLOSED WALLS OF ATHEISTS AND MADE THEM AS HIS DEVOTEE OTHER THAN THE HOLY PROPHET SALALLAU ALAIHI WASSALAAM. (After the speech of Br. Abdullah Adiyar Mr. KARIKAALAN of Local leader of Dravidina Movement and a follower of Dr. Annadurai announced his desire to embrace RIGHT PATH in the meeting held at Mint Street of Madras. Alhamdhulilah!)
Islam calls you to peace and surrender to God -- to the one and only God. Many gods demand many stories, which give no peace of mind because such fabricated stories undermine the purity of God. Theories and arguments about many gods always meet defeat before the oneness of God. If we go beyond one god, the ceiling for gods will bot cease. Mangnanimous in one-god theory can be witnessed whereas other theories contain an ignoble hallowless. Surrender to God means freedom from dictators, tyrants and rule of law made by man. Any form of slavery is challenged by Islam whether it is in the name of democracy or autocracy. Rule of God (theocracy) is advocated by Islam. Feudal Lords, vested interests, Proletariat or military dictatorships have to bow down before Islam, for it cuts man's chains and establishes the equality of man by saying LAILAHA (these are not Gods-Powers-Law makers). Islam calls you to live the life of a free man by surrendering to the invisible God; and not surrendering to any visible power or persons. But it does not stand for an undisciplined life; Islam gives directives from dawn to dusk and from birth to death. No other religion has such a comprehensive network or rules, applicable to rulers and ruled alike. Sermons can be given by any person or religion. But the teachings of Islam were tested and proved in human life by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAL). What he preached he practiced; what he practiced he preached. That's why he is the most beautiful example of mankind. Is it an example only for the seventh century? It is fit for Arabia only? Did his exemplary faith and behavior has continued much as a perennial river through his Ummah (Muslim Community). Whereas the world's great religion's teachers dared not advise their followers to follow their footsteps strictly because their lives were saintly and renounced family life. The Holy Prophet was the only religious leader to give exemplary lessons for a family man from house-keeping to intercourse. The Holy Prophet's life was an open book -- to read with rept attention -- the perfect example of family life of the Faithful. So, ISLAM IS A RELIGION FOR FAMILY MEN. Other religions do not equate faith or prayers to family duties. They advocate early from the yoke of worldly life. But though Islam lays stress on faith and Prayers, it equates them to the duties of man to his family. Religion means -- according to others -- a personal relation between man and God. But Islam advice's its followers to fulfil the duties of this world as dictated by God. WHEN OTHER RELIGIONS ARE SECLUDED FROM REALITY, ISLAM HAS GREAT RELEVANCE TO THE REALITY OF WORLDLY LIFE. One may wonder whether Islam forsakes the Hereafter, but the Scripture of Islam (Quran) reminds frequently, in every chapter, about the resurrection; day of judgement; Heaven and Hell. But the beautiful option of Islam is 'for a better life in the Hereafter, to lead a good life in this world! Sincereless world life and staunch Faith cannot last long, according to Islam! Worldly life is neither dependent on the Hereafter nor independent -- it is inter-dependent. For a surprise (in some religions) the worldly life (family life) is condemned as a SIN. Even a child is considered to be the outcome of SIN. Preachers of some religions addressed people as 'O SINNERS'. Others called worldly life is SINFUL LIFE. But Islam puts worldly life as a boon of god; the child as a mercy of God; people as sons and daughters of sinless Adam; worldly life as an examination for the Hereafter! What a fine approach!! Some religious consider the world and relations with other as an ILLUSION and show disbelief and distrust. But according to Islam, the believers, the Faithful have to believe in God and His creations, including the world and relations with others. So, Islam spreads the sweet breeze of commity among the community; belief and trust among one another. Unlike other religions, Islam is complete way of life which deals with creeds, draws lessons from history of believers and non-believers, gives good tidings, offers the best solutions to cultural, political, social and economical problems, deals with every aspect of life which is governed by man-made laws, and tries to give new principles and injunctions all quite different from so-called principles of socialists, lawyers and Jurists. So, Islam the only religion of Reality with a Right Path, calls you to attain peace, goodness, and a stable life full of justice and happiness! If you study the scriptures or sermons of leaders of other religions, you may find do's and don'ts to limited subjects. But Islam has directions for every subject and also every age of man! Children, youngsters, married men and women, traders, warriors, and all kinds of professionals will get clear, wise directives and suggestions, which may lead them to nothing but happiness. If you experience an early morning prayer before dawn (SUBHU) with a clean body, you will begin to taste the happiness. It will continue till your night prayers (ISHA). Do's and don'ts (Halal and Haram) will keep you from evil and create for you a healthy atmosphere! Fasting in the Month of Ramadan will change the chemical composition of your body and mind to an expected hygienic level. Zakaat (giving sway shares to the needy from your earnings and wealth) will stimulate a feeling of mercy and love towards your neighbors and brothers! The 'happiness of giving' is a salary to your soul, which gives incomparable joy and, of course, it purifies your mind, as ZAKAAT means PURITY. So, Islam calls your to taste and experience the best trial, religion, i.e. Islam. Embracing Islam is not a conversion but a reversion, because Islam is the first religion of man. Worshipping 'One God' is the beginning of the history of Prayers! When you are worshipping, the 'One God' will be in your mind even now. If you subscribe to the belief in 'One God' you are already in the fold of Islam. Of course You are in the habit of adopting new and better in your dress, cosmetics, necessary accessories, and materials. If your government enacts a law for the betterment of all, you wantonly vote for it and accept it in voluntary submission. Then why can't you subscribe to the Right Path (Islam) which assures you and your family of eternal happiness!. If you embrace Islam, your name, which now co-habits with worldly things or fabricated stories will be changed into a beautiful name, which will exhibit faithfulness to God. If you embrace Islam, your faith will be called IMAN (staunch belief) Which will give steadfastness in faith. If you embrace Islam, your body and mind will be free from dust and dirt because of the five prayers. If you embrace Islam, your profession will not be for materialist ends. A just and dutiful character will emerge because of the do's and don'ts of Islam. If you embrace Islam, your married life will become an example to all, because Islam has beautiful directives for marital relations. If you embrace Islam, your children will be the best amongst youngsters of their age, because Islam has lessons for grooming children for a better way. In the name of God -- Allah -- I invite you all to revert to the Right Path. Let this noble idea enter your heart and mind, which were created to obey Allah who gave you the free-will to select good and right! Ameen!
A LETTER TO A CHRISTIAN LADY Brother Abdullah Adiyar, a faithful servant of Allah, wrote many letters to some important personalities to reveal the real message of Islam. Some of them are reproduced here:- Respected Madam Blossom Vaz, (President All India Christian Service Society, Madurai) Peace be upon you! I am thanking God for an association with you, who have the bowls of mercy to serve the poor people within your limited capacity by offering free legal assistance to the oppressed, medicines to the sick, recommending jobs for unemployed and the rituals to orphans, who have nonelse to bury them! May God reward you! Ameen! When the world worships the Golden Calf or wealthy things, God thrusts a noble idea into your heart to serve the poor without expecting any material benefit! Though you hail from the Anglo-Indian community, which is very much secluded and slumbered, you are always after the appetite and ambition to know the truth and the right. That is why when I gave my book "I LOVE ISLAM", you showed your interest to learn more about Islam as POPE said in his 'Essay on Criticism', A little learning is a dangerous thing, Drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring." Always Christians have abstinence or mortification, may be because of truancy, about the teachings of other religions. When I said the Jesus Christ, whose name is not mentioned in other religious scriptures, but is quoted in the AL QURAN several times and he is considered by Muslims as a mightiest messenger of God, your eyes became more brighter than blue moon' Jesus is mentioned in Chapter 2 : Verse 87 3 : 45-59 4 : 157 4 : 151 5 : 17 5 : 72 5 : 75 5 : 78 5 : 110-120 9 : 30 19 : 16-34 23 : 50 42 : 13 43 : 57 43 : 61 43 : 63 61 : 6 Muslims should say the holy names of Jesus as HAZARAT EESA ALAI-HISS-SALAAM (the reverd Jesus, peace be upon him). This shows not only the display of spirit of charity, but it springs from the fountain head of faith of Muslims. IF A MUSLIM MENTIONS THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS, WITHOUT THE WARRANTED RESPECT, HE WOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A DISRESPECTFUL UNCOUTH, OR BARBARIC. The revered Jesus (Peace be upon him) is spoken of as 'THE WORD OF GOD', as 'THE SPIRIT OF GOD' -- as THE SIGN OF GOD and numerous other epithets of honour mentioned over fifteen chapters of AL QURAN. Of course there are differences of opinion between Christians and Muslims about the TRINITY (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) the crucification and resurrection. But is there any religion in the whole world which declares in its scriptures as AL QURAN declares about the revered Jesus (P.U.H)? "CHERITS JESUS, THE SON OF MARY HELD IN HONOUR IN THIS WORLD AND THE HEREAFTER AND (OF THE COMPANY OF) THOSE NEAREST TO GOD." (Al Quran 3:45) Regarding the miracles of the revered Jesus (Peace be upon him) Christians may be aware of curing the blind and lepers and raising the dead through their CANONICAL GOSPELS, written by Mark, Mathew, Luke and John. But you ever heard of the miracle of clay birds? "Out of Clay as it were The figure of bird< And breathe into it And it becomes a bird By the leave of God." (Al Quran 3:49) This miracle of clay bird is a new episode to Christians but the biblical scholars accepted this was found in APOCRYDHAL GOSPELS, which even claims the revered Jeusus (P.U.H) as preaching from his infancy. A chapter in AL QURAN is named after Holy Mother Mary (SURA-MARIYUM) with an honour which is not to be found given to Mary even in Christian Bible. "O ! MARY! GOD HATH CHOSEN THEE AND PURIFIED THEE ABOVE THE WOMEN OF ALL NATIONS." (Al Quran 3:42) If Islam if for Arabs and family of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.U.H) it could have claimed a lady from the Arab clan or the mother of Holy Prophet (P.U.H) or the wife or the daughters of his family as purified and chosen woman of all nations! By adoring a Jewess woman Mary as a purified and chosen woman of all nations. AL QURAN is proved as the veritable word or God, truth, truth, nothing but whole truth. Even about Christians AL QURAN says "Those who say we are Christians are nearest to the believers (Muslims). Because among these (Christians) are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world and they are not arrogant." (Al Quran 5:85) What will be the position of Christians who are the true followers? AL QURAN answers by addressing the revered Jesus (P.U.H) "O ! JESUS! I WILL TAKE THEE AND RAISE THEE TO MYSELF AND CLEAR THEE (of falsehood) OF THOSE WHO BLASPHEME I WILL MAKE THOSE WHO FOLLOW THEE -- SUPERIOR." (Al Quran 3:35) The almighty Allah gives a promise to Christians through their the revered Jesus (P.U.H) to make them superior if they follow their prophet truly and free them from falsehood and blasphemy! Madam! After reading all these you may in the mood of allurement and admiration with your inevitable tears in your eyes for now Islam is closer than the nerve of your neck! I knew that you are a prudent and pragmatic woman always worrying about the miseries and unfortunate status of women in the present world, which is totally mendominated. Like others, you are also of the opinion that Muslims put their womenfolk under their shin guard or veil and made them shoddy and rightless beings. But if you go through AL QURAN, you can find a chapter AN-NISAA (the woman) in which the first verse demands from men the REVERENCE FOR WOMBS OF WOMEN! "YOU DEMAND YOUR MUTUAL RIGHTS AND (REVERENCE) THE WOMBS (THAT BORE YOU)" (Al Quran 4:1) Among the most wonderful mysteries of our nature is that of sex. The unregenerate male is apt, in the physical strength to forget all important part which female plays. The Mother who bore us must ever have our reverence. THE WIFE through whom we enter parentage have our reverence. This is what Islam preaches to men! Is there any Holy Scripture in the whole world which hails the womb of woman, the molding vessel of Mankind? Madam! You are aware that a book was written by me under the name and the style as "WIFE", in which I tried my level best to describe that what is womb. In the period of delivery, women have to risk their lives of the pain, which may lead to their death! "Alas ! Birth pangs A thousand thunders Rack the hip! A thousand saws Cute here ! Her body is torn in twine ! Hundreds of pestles pound her To see the light of day Emerges a life. She who lived to please Each moment of my life Dies in a river of blood." (WIFE Pages 78-79) If a man realizes these agonies of women, he must have his reverence for them because he also came once to see the light of day from his mother's womb! Madam ! Do you believe that the true Muslims, who were ordained by the God to pay reverence to the womb of women are the snathers of the right of womenfolk? You are also very much worried about young women of India under the execution of Dowry System, which makes many girls enternal virgins and throw some of them to the so-called fire accidents to turn them as human charcoals or corpses in the plantain leaves! Why? The bride has to pay big amount to the greed of bridegroom's family. But in AL QURAN, a word "MAHAR" (money for bride) is mentioned may be the perplexment to others but it is a solution to the dowry problem and the salvation to the slavery of Indian women ! Do you want to know the concerned verse? "GIVE THE WOMEN (ON MARRIAGE) THEIR MAHAR, THEIR DOWER." (Al Quran 4:4) "Emancipation for women will be achieved if the right of property is bestowed upon them!" it is the new discovery of the forerunners of women's liberation Movement! But Islam gave property to women in the seventh century itself. The fourth chapter of AL QURAN deals elaboratery about the distribution of property and wealth of men to women! You may be astonished to read a verse which recommends to give those, who have no right in the property. "BUT IF THE TIME OF DIVISION OTHER RELATIVES OR ORPHANS OR POOR, ARE PRESENT FEED THEM OUR OF THE (PROPERTY) AND SPEAK TO THEM WORDS OF KINDNESS AND JUSTICE." (Al Quran 4:8) If the whole world comes under the Islamic system of distribution of wealth and property, the utopia of leveling up and down of the society will come true! That is why Nepoleon declared that he wanted a society to be established under the AL QURAN teachings. Madam! Once you worried about the marriages that are performed. It was told ironically the oceans become salty because of the tears which flow from the eyes of the women, whose marriages are conducted without their will! But what is the warning of Islam to men? "YOU ! WHO BELIEVE! YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO INHERIT WOMEN AGAINST THEIR WILL." (Al Quran 4:19) Madam ! Once you complained about the men's behaviour towards his wife, when he disliked his wife. A gentleman is a man who can disagree without being disagreeable. But these 'gentlemen' will lose their temper, tact, toleration and trust in their wives when they dislike them ! Is there any God's advice or guidance, to man in these contexts? Yes! AL QURAN warns men, when they dislike their wives. LIVE WITH THEM ON A FOOTING OF KINDNESS AND EQUITY IF YOU TKE A DISLIKE TO THEM ! IT MAY BE THAT YOU DISLIKE THING AND GOD BRINGS ABOUT THROUGH IT -- A GREAT DEAL OF GOOD." (Al Quran 4:19) Madam ! You may wonder whether Allah is for womenfolk "in toto" because He warns man that a great deal of good may be in his dislike towards his wife. Even in the 20th century, man's ego and monocracy prevail as in the Stone Age. For him wife is dependent not inter-dependent, even though his wife earns ! He wants to have "de facto" dictations over his wife's earning and even consider it as his own! Some has to get permission from her husband to spend their earning! But AL QURAN dictates. Only the indenence in the women's earning. "TO MEN ALLOTTED WHAT THEY EARN; AND TO WOMAN WHAT THEY EARN." (Al Quran 4:32) Another wonderful verse of AL QURAN which may excite womenfolk. "Men are maintainers of woman with bounties which God has bestowed more aboundantly one some of them than on others; and with what they may spend out their possessions." (Al Quran 4:34) This means that man has to spend for the maintenance of his family. Anything a wife earns is her own to dispose of wither to use it herself or to contribute it to the family budget, if she wishes! Madam ! Please bear in mind that these AL QURAN'S verses are not suggestions or words of counsel or recommendations or opinions but these are COMMANDS, INSTRUCTIONS, AND DIRECTIVES which give no room for excuse or exculpation or concession ! It is clubbed with the faith in God because the AL QURAN is the word or God! We now turn next to the relationship between man and woman in AL QURAN is well worded. "AMONG HIS SIGNS IS (THE FACT) THAT HE HAS CREATED SPOUSES FOR YOU FROM AMONG YOURSELVES SO THAT YOU MAY CONSOLE YOURSELVES WITH THEM. HE HAS PLANTED LOVE AND MERCY BETWEEN YOU. IN THAT ARE SIGNS FOR PEOPLE WHO REFLECT." (Al Quran 30:21) Mutual care, consideration, respect and affection are warranted for 'Love and Mercy'. Not only sexual relationship but inter-dependence ship in all walks of life by man and woman is expected. The AL QURAN describes man and woman as the garments made for each other. "THEY ARE GARMENS FOR YOU: WHILE YOU ARE GARMENTS FOR THEM." (Al Quran 2:187) Garments are the embodiment of warmth, protection and decency. In other words if you have a wife with good qualities, you are well clothed one. Same to the woman also. Kind treatment of wives and families are not obligatory but form part of religious faith! The Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.U.H) has said.
As I consider you as a luminary with the ever-burning internal light now will get out of encircling gloom, qualm and quandary and enter into the OASIS of enlightenment about Islam without pouring oil on the waters! With Kindest regards, Yours sincerely, (ABDULLAH ADIYAR) THE SECOND LETTER TO Mrs. BLOSSOM Dear Mrs. Blossom Vaz, Peace be upon you! You performed a pilgrimage to Batlagondu Church, thinking that Infant Jesus is powerful to solve your problems. Moreover you wanted to have mental peace to face other problems also. According to ISLAM, JESUS (infant) IS NOT GOD TO SOLVE ALL PROBLEMS. HE IS ONE OF THE PROPHETS OF GOD, WHO DID MIRACLES IN HIS LIFE TIME WITH THE LEAVE OF GOD (ALLAH). What AL QURAN defined Jesus is "He is nothing but a slave of God" (43:57) and "He is only a messenger of Allah." (5:75) About Infant Jesus, AL QURAN speaks with authenticity. "He (Jesus) spoke : Lo ! I am the slave of God; He (God) hath given me the scripture and hath appointed me a prophet ." Jesus and Mary are mortals as "they both used to eat food" (5:75) whereas God has no hungry or thirst. Moreover they are for death. "Say, who then can do aught against Allah, if had willed to destroy the Messiah son of Mary and his mother." (5:17). Even Jesus advised Christians "worship Him. That is the right path." (43:64) SO, INFANT JESUS OR HIS MOTHER ARE NOT GODS TO MUSLIM MEN OR WOMEN. If you want to recite Oath (Kalima) you have to stick the FAITH, which teaches you that Allah is the only "PROTECTOR"! "Allah is the protecting friend of those who believe; He brings them out of darkness into light ." (2:57). "Allah (alone) is Protecting friend." (42:9) "Allah delivereth you from all affliction." (6:64) "ALLAH IS A BLESSED HELPER." (22:78). Madam, if you want your problems to be solved and have an eternal salvation, pray only Allah with warranted cleanliness(Wazhu). "Allah shall preserve you of his bounty if he will." (9:29). So, I request you to have the bounty of Allah by worshipping him only. My association with you all centered upon this as I am waiting for a long time. Don't be shy or timid to take this bold step as there is no canker to eat up your personality than timidity. The world is for those who can do and dare. As Bierce said in his "Devils Dictionary" one who in perilous journey thinks with his legs. Courage is not merely of the body also of the mind. Remember what Emerson said "Fear always springs from ignorance," Madam! You are a woman of knowledge. Please apply your knowledge as the applied knowledge is more powerful than mere knowledge. Have belief in Allah, who "saves those who believe and do good works, for their's is a REWARD unfailing". With kind regards. 19-8-90 (ABDULLAH ADIYAR)
TO, His Holiness Kanchi Sankaracharya, Kanjeepuram. Respected Sankaracharya Swamigal, Peace be upon you. When I returned from Pakistan I presented you BHAGAVAT GITA, which was printed by Hindus of Pakistan. Your Holiness wondered about it and asked me that there was any reference of Islam or Mohammad (SAL) in the Hindu Scriptures. I am sending herewith some quotable quotas from the Hindu Scriptures. Prophecies in Hindu Scriptures : In Hindu Scriptures there are good many prophecies about Holy Prophet Mohammed. A few of these are in puranas. The one in the Bhavishya Purana is the clearest of all. The fifth word from left to right is the name of our Holy Prophet. It gives even the name of the country of the Prophet "Marusthal-nivasinan--denizen of the desert (Arabia)." For this reason the Arya Samaj has tried cast doubt on the authenticity of this purana. Their argument is that it contians a reference to Prophet. According to Sanatanist Pandits and the vast bulk of Hindus, nevertheless, it is considered very authentic. The prophecy runs as follows: Sanskrit version : ATHAS MINNAN THERE MILACHE ACHARARYANA SAMAN VIDHA MAHAMATH ITHIKKI YADAHA SISHYA SAGA SAMAN VIDHA NIROOBASSEVA MAHADEVA MARUSDALA NIVASINAM. BAVISHYA PURANA. Below we give the English translation of the Prophetic words : "A Milechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving his MahaDev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the 'Panchgavya' and the Ganges water (i.e., purging him and showing him all reverence said, 'I make obeisance to thee,' 'O Ye ! the pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia. Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from Milechha opponents.' 'Oh the image of the Most Pious God the biggest Lord, I am a slave to thee, take me as one lying on thy feet." In this eulogy of the Holy Prophet, Maharishi Vyasa has enumerated the following points :
Sanskrit Version 2: BEDAMJANA EEPUTCHRUDHA NARASAM SASADHA VISHIYAKE SASAHBEEM SAHASRA NAVANEEDAM SASOWRAM ARUSHA MESHOODAN MAHE OSHTI RUYANGLM BIRVAAHINOW VANU MANTHOHIDHAR DASA VADHA MARA RATH SASAYNI EESHAMANA UBASMIRUDHA EVANTHARSAYA MAHAMAHE SATHAM NISHRANTH SARAJA SRINI SATHANNIYAVADHAM SAHASRA DHASAGO NAM. (Adharva Veda, 20th Kanada) Translation : "O people, listen emphatically ! The man of Praise (Mohammed) will be raised among the people. We take the emigrant in our shelter from sixty thousand and ninety enemies whose conveyances are twenty camels and she-camels, whose loftiness of positions touches the heaven and lowers it. He gave to Mamah Rishi hundred of Gold coins, ten circles, three hundred Arab horses and ten thousand cows." (Atharva Veda, Kanada 20, Sukla 127, Mantra 1-3) These Sanskrit versions may be found in "The First and Final Religion", a book published by BHAWANI WAQB of Pakistan. There are other Sanskrit versions in BHAVISHYA PURANA, which are unknown to all. LINGASETHI, SIGAHINA SUMACHUCHURUDARI SADHA HASHA UCHALABI SARVAPATCHI BANISHYAKI AANONAM MUSALAI NAIS MASKARA (Bhavishya Purana, Part 3, Sloga 25, Sutra 3) Translation : "They will perform KATNA (Circumcision), and shave their heads, but beard is allowed, they are non-vegetarians; their's call for prayers will be loud; they will be called MUSALAI in future." In Rig Veda -- Mohammad (S.A.W) was mentioned as MAHA MAHE (Mantra 5, Suktham 28). The Rig Veda is the oldest scripture of Hindus. So, The Holy Prophet was a Prophet who was mentioned in Hindu Scriptures and moreover, he was the only Prophet after the oneness of god. 'PARABBRAMAM' which is the message of UBANISHATHS, is nothing but ALLAH of Al Quran. So, I request you to study more and subscribe the message of the oneness of God. Yours sincerely, ABDULLAH ADIYAR
(This was an open letter from KALAIMAMANI ABDULLAH ADIYAR to Thiru Ilaya Perumal, the revival leader of the oppressed classes who submitted a REPORT ON ATROCITIES AGAINST SCHEDULED CASTES in the period of Prime Ministership of PANDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU). Dear Brother ! Peace be upon you! When we met recently in the tourist bungalow at Sivakasi, I was able to grasp your views. An entire society of untouchables modified as 'Scheduled Castes' were made to suffer for thousands of years, being deprived of proper education, prestige, decent living conditions, etc. I realized you were spending sleepless nights trying to lead them to a brighter dawn. Irrespective of religion in any part of the nation, the Scheduled Castes are in the second ranking. Not only that
While other keep aloof, avoiding the stench of gutters, and dead bodies, it is these Schedule Castes who are in the forefront when it comes to clearing the drains and toilets and removing the dead and decomposed bodies. Freedom from this is warranted. To achieve this, they had to have some schooling. So, Dr. Ambedkar fought relentlessly for this aim and was istrumental in getting them seats at educational institutions and Government appointments. But this also had an adverse effect, for those who acquired degrees for various posts, opted, with selfish motives, to keep aloof of their brethren. These people created their own circle and forgot to extend a helping hand to their brothers and sisters still in a lower status. Too selfish were they, even, to the extent of being self-centered about what they had achieved personally. If some people were being washed away by floods, and someone extended a helping hand to save them, when such people are saved, they are supposed to extend their help to save those who are still in the water. But contrary to this, those who were helped out of the floods preferred to run away, ignoring their drowning brothers. How selfish and cruel these people are. That is exactly what happened in the olden days of this society. A lot of concessions were granted to them ; prestigious posts, MLA's and MP's seats were all offered to them. Laws were enacted to eradicate untouchability. Inspite of all these favorable concessions, has this society attained a glorious status? Or equally with others? No ! Nor is their humiliation wiped out; What is the basic truth? >> Governments have recognized them! >> Educational Institutions invite them! >> Even the laws are favorable to them! >> But not so the society (The so-called upper class people!) But there is a difference. In olden days the insults were outward. They scolded in front of others. Humiliation was direct. Now it is Indirect. They restrict it within themselves. Humiliation is now hidden in the dark recesses. When resisted, the onslaught slips away, darkness wears out. Yet utterances of unparliamentary words by the so-called upper class people are still heard. Thus concessions, employment opportunities, and laws have provided for this suppressed class, only their basic needs, but not the equality of social status expected between men. Previously they received the insults in dirty and worn clothes. But now they wear clean starched clothes and hear the insult secretly. They have to do to get rid of this social menace. Various solutions are put before them. Several other ideas are also suggested :
Hinduism -- Will it help eradicate the humiliation? Let us make it very clear at the outset, that we don't have any fanatical hatred towards the Hindu religion. We intend only to examine the issue logically. It is the Hindu religion that has created a suppressed class, by having the caste system in this land. Such a suppressed class of people were called 'SUDHRAS'., and are now known as 'SCHEDULED CASTE', an improvised substitute, because of the changing times. A few orthodox people still call them as the 'PANJAMARGAL'. Divisions in mankind are an international phenomenon -- in other parts of the world, they from the basis of a profession, although to some extent this is due to the color of one's skin. But in Hinduism, such diversities were made on the basis of birth itself. Furthermore, it is wonderful that Hindu Vedic Verses still proclaim that such divisions derive from the very inception of the world. In one of the four Vedhas (Rig Veda) under the tenth chapter entitled 'PURUSHA SOOKTHAM', the following can be found : 'All creatures in the world take birth from an immortal Supreme being called 'PURUSHA' that possesses one thousand heads, one thousand eyes and one thousand legs. Brahmins took birth from the head -- Royal people (satriyas) from the shoulderss, Business people (Vaisyas) from the thighs and Sudras from the legs. This Portion of the Rig Vega not only speaks of the birth of the human race but also of the initial appearance of the universe, as below :
Not a single religious order that came later opposed this set up, but instead justified it, including the Bhagvad Gita. A few diversified categories -- Purohits, Kins, Business people, orderlies -- are bound to exit this set up in any part of the world. Those who are suited to a particular category will remain within it. This arrangement was converted to a permanent one with the sanction of the Vedha Scriptures of the tenth chapter 'Purusha Sooktham'. Such a social order was dreamt of even by eminent people like Plato of Greece. But there was no Vedic (Religious) approval for his idealistic views. But these categories were sanctioned by Vedhas. They were also approved by the laws of the land. All literature that followed Rig Veda, only justify these four diversities. 'THAITEREYA BRAMANAM', a Hindu script, tells us that Sudhras came from demons and from 'nothing'. When the radical differences were converted into approved law, crimes and punishments were also classified --as given below
'Brahmins took birth from the face of Brahma; while Kshatriyas from shoulders, Vaisyas from thighs and Sudhra as from legs'. Classification of punishment for the same crime were made as follows. Very soft punishment for Brahmins, moderate for Kshatriya s and Vaisyas and very harsh for Sudhras. There are many examples of the above. To cite one; if a woman of another race is raped, either by a Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaisya, the offenders will be driven out of their society and land, But if the same crime is committed by a 'Sudhra' he will receive capital punishment, i.e., death sentence. If a Sudhra rapes a Brahmin woman, his penis will be cut, and his properties confiscated. The Sudhras were also denied Vedic education. They were not allowed to mingle with others. They were deprived of economic progression. They were ordained to perform duties of servants only. Similar social orders prohibiting cruel and harsh punishments were even enforced during Roman rule, Christian rule and the rule of Jewish Kings. Under Roman law people were segregated into five categories with concessional treatment for their people and dependants only, others, foreigners, were not given any concessions. Like wise, under Christian rule, all Christians were given rights and concessions, that were denied to Jews. And Jews gave their people such rights and concessions which were denied to others. But a glaring disparity of Hinduism is that harsh treatment and punishments were meted out to the categories that formed part of this very religion. Even assuming that the four caste principles of the Hindu religion were based on sound ideals for a strong social order, this very same principle had been instrumental in disintegrating and destroying the set up. The special status remarked for Brahmins caused great upset to other castes and communities. A verse to indicate this reads as follows : "The entire world ends with God. God is confined to Manthras. All Manthras are with Brahmins. Hence Brahmins are our God." Such themes made the Hindus revolt against the system and this paved the way for disintegration of their religion. As a consequence the great saints of Jains and Gauthama Buddha rose in revolt against the Hindu religion and founded other separate religious orders. The fact remains that it was Hinduism which created the caste system from within, neither could they reform it, they could only get away and create new orders. The situation in Modern Times. Despite so many changes and resurgence of modern and scientific ideals, does this Hindu order consider treating its own people, the Scheduled Caste, with dignity and equal status, even in this distant century? Theoretically, it is practically impossible! Adversities do not raise their ugly face in public yet they are still alive, in disguise, with the same amount of undiluted venom. In rural areas in castes camps are constructed far away from others. Governments also show partiality in the construction of houses, attractive ones for 'upper' classes and match-box size for the Scheduled Castes. Separate arrangements are made for them at village hotels and they are served with separate glass tumblers. In certain villages in the Coimbatore District I found a sort of inferiority complex among students of the same class because of the castes they belong to although they were equal in the school hostels. When eating food or retiring to their rooms, they, on return to their rural homes, exhibit the same disparity -- when the upper class offer food, the lower class receive it standing at a distance. They also stand at a distance to have their conversation with each other. During a Minister's visit, appeals were made by Schedule Castes. What for? Requesting a burial ground, and the making of a path to get there! Even after a lapse of about 45 years, since independence, a section of the people are still in need of burial grounds and paths to reach them!! This is how the Hindu religion has segregated them. None of the Hindu leaders such as the RSS or the Hindu Front Munnani, brothers about such a disgrace. What would happen if some enlightened scheduled caste members raised their voices to establish their rights? When an ethnic conflict is created, there are those who die or get seriously wounded, these are the scheduled caste people only. For instance, when ethnic violence arose in KEEELAVENMANI, VILLUPURAM, PULLYANGUDI, RAJAPALAYAM, etc., those who died were mostly scheduled caste people. It is a regular feature in North India, where daily occurrences of such conflicts endanger only scheduled castes. Recently, in the Coimbatore District, a body from the Scheduled castes who loved a girl from the upper classes was murdered in broad daylight. Police visited the scene, but there was no witnesses and so no case could be made. Such incidents take place daily in various parts of the state. Insults and disgraces are committed against Schedule Castes every day! Murders are frequent and consistent. This recreation for the upper classes -- a life long battle for the lower! The recent incident that took place in a village called THALAKAWADI in KARNATAKA STATE was reported in the popular weekly journal 'KUMUDAM' with the caption 'A DISGRACE'. Some youths of the upper classes took food to the houses of (SC) ADI DRAVIDAS ! Caste - Hindus objected to this and punished the youths by torturing them. They 'cleansed' them by sprinkling them with cows urine, and they also imposed a fine! Not only are such cruelties committed but the Hindu society aggravate the issue further by torturing those who pity and sympathize with the Schedule Castes. None of the Hindu religious leaders have tried to prevent such occurrences. There are Sankaracharya, Jeers, Sai Babas, Chimayanandhas, Muniveras, Head of Mutts - but none of them have ever taken any steps to prevent the ill-treatment of the Schedule Castes. As a matter of act, some of these VIPs are acting as Royal priests and teachers to the individuals and organization involved in harassing the Schedule Castes. While a relations with them, openly ! Because such Heads maintain themselves with the financial benevolence of the social culprits, they cannot prevent the disgrace being systematically committed. Previously, Brahmins spearheaded such anti-social activities, although their contributions were restricted to verbal inducements alone. Now, the caste Hindus spear-head the social onslaught. They use weapons such as swords and guns to meet their evil ends. Why do they do that? What is on their mind? What is their expectation of the Scheduled Caste people? They wish the Scheduled Castes to beg for concessions. They should be like slaves in civilised dress. They should give respect to the upper classes by submitting themselves in humility. They should not argue, should not demand equal rights. These caste Hindus were once ill-treated by Brahmins when they were the main influence of the Hindu Society. When they assumed supremacy, it meant to the Schedules not only disgrace, but deaths and woundings also. If the former was an act of cruelty, the latter was still worse. These acts are on the increase with no sign of improvement. Those who take up the torch of the Hindu religion saying that it is best, that it is broad minded and 'now' that it is open, do not wish for prevention of the above mentioned cruelty and insults. On the one hand they extend equal rights, respect and social status to non-Hindus, like Christians, Muslims and Buddhists, and on the other they provide only insult and condemnation to those of their own religion. In such circumstances how long can be Schedules Caste live with false hopes about Hinduism? Through its Vedas, the Hindu Religion teaches only disgrace; in day-to-day life it adds only insult, and ultimately, death. There are no Hindus who can assure us that all evils will be eradicated today, or at least tomorrow. In Meenatchipuram and a few other places, Scheduled Castes were converted to other religions. Hindus were not able to prevent the Schedule Castes leaving their religion. After all, what could they do except run to Meenatchipuram and appeal to them to come back. But they had no plans to eradicate the insults inflicted upon the Schedule Caste nor would they put into practice any reformative measures to convince them. They could only ask them not leave their religion but would put forward no convincing measures of relief. Are the Hindus prepared to remove from the Vedic verses the insult in 'PURUSHA SOOKTHAM'? Are they prepared to take out of Bhagavath Geetha the relevant portions which disgrace the Scheduled Caste? Do they agree to nominate a Scheduled Caste as their religious leader? Will they appoint Scheduled Castes as Acharaya in Shiva and Vishnu temples? Did they oppose at any stage the caste Hindus who were bent upon insulting Scheduled Castes? Can they impose an exile for such cruel mongers out of their religious framework? Do they agree? Yes, they won't do any of these things except crying out to them not to leave their religion. Even now, Ramagopalan, a leader of HINDU Front (MUNNANI) says 'Though we have a thousand differences, we can take them out, but don't go to other religions, especially Islam'! Did they at least have discussions with Scheduled Castes to sort out the pending problems? These can't be solved by mere debates. It is therefore a concluding fact that no one can achieve success in eradicating injustice by remaining within the religion. No Hindu leader will extend any help on this matter and eradicating this social injustice is only possible by leaving the religion. Can these Dravidian Movements Discard our Disgrace? When comparing the political parties of the south, the Dravidian movements were once on the same footing as Scheduled Castes, yet they are few who have this feeling. They got inflicted by the disease of caste Hinduism when they want in search of positions in the Legislature and Parliament. At one time Dravidian youths used to take food from homes of Scheduled Castes. A few even conducted intermarriages. They did not have an inferior outlook towards the suppressed class, they even thought it a disgrace, the very act of questioning someone about his caste. Such feelings and their conduct slowly changed after their entry into the legislature. People with high class mentalities started to occupy key posts. Those higher-up in the partly were inflicted with this caste disease. In the lower ranks, a pure upper-class feeling gradually developed. They started to declare from open platforms that 'WE ARE DEVARS'. 'WE ARE VANNIYARS AND GOUNDARS'. They approached those on the opposite side with their privileged caste relationship. And they lowered the Scheduled Castes from the orthodox 'upper' position ! The hope that when Dravidian parties came to power a casteless society would be formed, disparities would vanish and the imposed disgrace on Scheduled Castes would be wiped out, was believed. It was only during the Dravidian regim that the unfortunate massarces of Scheduled Castes took place in the KEELAVENMANI, VILLUPURAM AND PULIANGUDI areas. Mr. Karunanidhi, the DMK chief, made his son marry a girl from the Schedule Caste. He himself felt sorry for them saying that caste feelings were showing their ugly face in his party. The same things were also happening in the ADMK party. The DMK is somewhat considerate on this matter. Yet it does not get involved in the eradication of social evils. Social evils cannot be wiped out by merely pronouncing the 'No God' theory and wearing black shirts. There is no difference between the D.K. volunteers and the religious minded people with signs on their foreheads. The DK's suffered the same disgrace. >> We may convert ourselves as Atheists. >> Thereby, whether the DK can guarantee to remove, once and for all, the disgrace inflicted on SC's tomorrow or at least in the next generation? No ! they can't ! Even within these movements the 'Caste-Hindu' feeling has started infiltrating. Now their attention is not centered on wiping out the social injustice. Even here, trustees of the affluent Scheduled Castes, for they are those who vehemently opposed a scheme, intended to uplift the most backward sections in society such as washerman, barbers, etc. So they have lost all hope of a social revolution; instead they have chosen to run their party depending upon the cash and bank votes of the rich caste- Hindus. Still worse, a few of these DMK men spearheaded the assaults on Scheduled Castes in their areas. MY DEAR THIRU ILAYA PERUMAL ! It was through you that I became aware of the news. What was the news? That when the Scheduled Castes in Kaatumannargudi near Chidambaram staged a boycott to disassociate themselves from the assigned duties of removing dead bodies, beating drums for funerals, etc., a caste - Hindu leader brought in outside persons to do these jobs, which resulted in clashes and ultimately in the opening of fire. Who is he? None else than the former MLA from the Dravidian Movement! Yes, this is a prelude to the future, something to indicate what is in store for the Scheduled Castes, that they are going to be tortured by the last rank leaders of the Dravidian movement. We therefore have to conclude that the disgrace inflicted upon Scheduled Castes will not be eradicated by the Dravidian movements. They are not the heroes to fight for the suppressed people; they will not engage themselves in the ordeal, there is no hope for them! Can We Believe the National Party? Some will now be inclined to think, why not depend on the National party for this noble cause? Won't they do it? DEAR THIRU ELAYA PERUMAL, You yourself are the right example for this cause. You were the state leader of the National Party, as an MP you submitted your findings on the prevailing conditions of the Scheduled Castes in India, and the report is named after you. Now you have come out of that National Party and have started the HUMAN RIGHTS MOVEMENT. This itself is a correct answer to the question -- whether Scheduled Castes' disgrace can be wiped out by the National Party? Among the National Parties, the Indian National Congress is to some extent a part which could enforce a compromise (though it is not inclined to eradicate the social disgrace) Including the Indian National Congress all National Parties are purely the parties of the Caste-Hindus! You have discarded that Congress Party. You don't believe that the National Parties will fulfill the idea of eradicating this social evil. DK, DMK, AIADMK, CONGRESS and other National Parties can be broadly listed under the banner HINDU SOCIAL REFORMERS. But these reformers are mere hypocrites. When it comes to action they will draw back or disappear from the scene. As Dr. Amberdkar put, these 'Social Reformers' are ony fit to be gotten rid of. When we compare contemporary world history to similar circumstance, where Blacks (Negroes) in America were ill-treated -- we find that the 'white people' came to their rescue, just for the sake of the Blacks. Thus those white reformers shed their blood for the Blacks. Can we compare these stage actors with those gentleman? Can we believe these people have something in their inner heart, while talking in just the opposite way? Nationalism deceives in the name of 'HARIJANS'. Dravidians' exist in the name of 'ADI DRAVIDIANS'. Of course there may be exceptions. So let us conclude that both the National and Dravidian Parties are neither capable of eradicating the social justice done to the Scheduled Castes nor do they have that sincerity of purpose. Can the Communists Remove the Disgrace? As a broadly based principle, communists do not accept any 'social disgrace' for anyone. We should also recognize the fact that this party does not look upon anyone with disgrace, or, for that matter, degrade any society or individual. Unless we accept this, we cannot ourselves boast sincerity in all words we say. But they are restricted within their party barriers. They don't bother about disgrace to any labourer or worker outside their party, therefore they won't venture to champion the cause for non-party men. They have a set pattern of activities:
They indulge in the above activities but never bother about the social evils and the necessity to fight against them . They cannot be altogether blamed for this. The societies to which KARL MARX, ENGELS, LENIN, MAO, etc., were attached were different from the social set up in India, and there was not the 'FOUR CASTE' system. Hence there was no necessity for these great men to plan the eradication of such evils. When Karl Marx wrote some notes on India about a century ago, sitting in the London Museum Library, he considered the four-caste division as being linked with professional necessities only. He failed to foresee the adversities of the system. Perhaps, had he personally traveled around India and witnessed the system, he would have understood the severity of it and expressed his views accordingly. Since he saw the system only as professionally orientated, where the 'upper class' people acted only as secretaries of the communist party in its initial stages, thought that perhaps they did not bother about the disgraceful happenings. It was said that the working class, if they joined together under one banner, could conduct a class was and achieves their rule, then the caste differences and social disgraces would be eliminated. The Schedule Castes believed this and joined the Communist Party in large numbers. They also subscribed to the maximum. They still do, but with no prospective results yet. What they have been propagating is something, which is practically impossible. Meanwhile Communists have captured power in the states of Kerala and West Bengal. Have they eradicated the social evils prevailing there? No! Why? The ruling party has a ready-made answer -- 'Though we rule, the officers are for the old school of thought, where caste feelings are primary'. Society is also the same. We ask the question -- 'In that case, what action did you take to amend this?' There is no answer. As a result we are forced to conclude that in the future, Communities will neither propagate with social conscience nor will they pursue any action to eradicate the evils. This is because they have no such plan, nor even a desire. So Scheduled Castes can't be assured that they will benefit by joining the Communists. Whether to Embrce Christianity or Buddhism? Let us now see whether the social evils can be wiped out by joining the Christian or Buddhist Orders, where all political parties have failed the SCs! The Christian religion does not believe in the caste system and social disgrace. But those who propagated Christianity in India allowed the social customs of Hindus to infiltrate their religion, and this has resulted in multifarious castes within the Christian religion. There are Chettiars, Pillais, and Nadars, prefixing Christian names, as Hindus wearing crosses. The pity is that even after the Scheduled Castes embraced Christianity they were still suppressed and isolated. In Trichy, even in the burial ground there are separations -- Christian Pillais on one side and Christian Adi Dravidars on the other. Thus, in Christianity, there is also social disgrace, but looked at from a different angle. This religion is also incapable of eradicating evil. The Buddhist Religion Dr. Ambedkar chose to embrace Buddhism with a view to eradicating evil. He did it enmasse for his Scheduled Caste people. But unfortunately, shortly after he had embraced Buddhism, he died. He had many plans for eradicating evil, but did not have the time to implement them. He wanted to develop the Buddhist religion on a comparatively large scale, by admitting into its folds all the Schedule Castes. By doing so, he expected other nations around India, such as Japan, Burma, Bhutan, Ceylon, etc., also to extend support. But what happened? The Buddhist religion was not large in India and hence the Scheduled Castes who joined the religion remained isolated. They were called 'NEO-BUDDHISTS'. A few concessions were offered to them but these kept them in their old status. They had joined Buddhism, yet it had not brought about any changes for the Scheduled Castes. Now what other options remained? Will Islam be able to Remove that Disgrace? What is the first demand of the Scheduled Castes who have been downtrodden for thousands of years? >> To be treated as equals by others. >> To take beverages in the same cup as others. >> To take rituals from the same vessel as others. Can ISLAM fulfil these aspirations? Gandhi Ji writes in 'Young India' : "There are reasons for Europeans to be afraid of Islam. No one who embraces Christianity, does enjoy the same status open to Christians. On the other hand, when he embraces Islam, the very next minute he acquires the entire status, as of a Muslim, he drinks in the same cup, takes food from the same vessel, which I myself have seen". wami Vivekananda said : 'There is no caste difference in Islam. No color differences and even no sex difference.' 'Supposing the Sultan of Turkey enslaves a Negro from Africa and brings him to Turkey hand-cuffed, it that slave embraces Islam, he can even marry the princess if he possesses adequate qualifications.' TAHOOR LAAL, the Persi Priest says : 'Whoever embraces Islam. Even if they are Negroes, they are received wholeheartedly'. 'The new entrants to Islam get all privileges as given for the other Muslims'. 'They are not shown any disparity like race, color, nation, etc. but given fullest equality and brotherhood, is this not their exclusive generosity'. It is the very doctrine of Islam. It is cultivated there in-born habits in their very blood. It is but the adoption of the thesis preached by the Prophet. These qualities are not new ones. They have existed since the days of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). About 14,00 year ago, the African Negroes were slaves in Arabia. They received equal status immediately after embracing Islam. There was one named Bilal, a Negro slave. He embraced Islam while still a slave. His master was angry with him for this and threw him onto the hot desert sand and loaded onto his chest heavy stones, hoping that with this torture he would relinquish Islam. But Bilal was unshaken and instead voiced 'GOD IS ONE', 'GOD IS ONE', Abubakkar released him after making a payment of cash to Bilal's master. How did Islam react towards him? The new custom to call upon Muslims to assemble for prayer was entrusted to him. He was called 'HAZRATH' (Scholar) and was thus honored. Others further honored him by calling him 'SEYYADHEENA' (the leader). He was also endowed with the rare gift of being 'SAHABI' (Companion of the Holy Prophet). Bilal caused damage to a vessel by accidentally dropping it. The wife of the Prophet complained about this and suggested his dismissal. The Prophet replied 'If a dismissal is inevitable it is you and not Bilal !' Once an Islamic delegation arrived in Egypt for certain negotiations. The head of this team was so tall and black that he was likened to a Negro. The Egyptians felt hesitant to talk with him as he was so black in color. The Islamic delegation retorted : 'We don't have that disparity among us. Moreover, he is our leader, only under his Chairmanship can we have dialogues'. The Egyptians were shocked on hearing this. They knew that war would be inevitable if they broke the rules. So they then decided to sit and talk with those 'black people'. Let us look at how such equality was available only for Muslims.
Just because they are white does not mean they have any superiority over black people. Arabs do not posses any superiority over non-Arabs simply because they are not Arabs. Those who have religious faith are the great people. Thus the basic principles of Islam were laid by the Holy Prophet. We still witness these ideals today. That is why all suppressed people wish to embrace Islam as did the American Negroes, Africans and other suppressed classes of the world. Islam has that attraction, the attraction of equality. That is why most people who are suppressed are attracted towards this religion. They will join only Islam and no power on earth can stop this happening. Like all natural events, when the wind blows during Autumn, everything will take place naturally, inspite of all the odds. As the passage of the sun goes on uninterrupted in like manner and suppressed people are bound to move towards Islam and they marchon accordingly. Perhaps this may be delayed by vested interests, but it cannot be totally stopped. How does Islam Erase the Disgrace? As soon as one enters Islam, his past is completely wiped out. His name is changed, caste indications discarded, old customs and formalities abandoned. The temple or church is changed, prayer procedures are altered and equality dominates in honoring as well as addressing others. Desirable changes take place in his family life. All disgraceful bondage's are completely wiped out and a good relationship with everyone throughout the world emerges. Uncared-for attitudes wane. He becomes accustomed to a disciplined life. If one is humiliated, Muslims the world over would rise up in defence. Individually is absorbed by the whole community. DEAR ILAYA PERUMAL ! Our history reveals how NANTHANAAR, an untouchable, suffered to gain entry into a Hindu temple. Simple because he hailed from a Scheduled Caste family he was refused entry. He had to bathe in fire to prove his steadfastness. Even after that, a continuous struggle was necessary for entry into the temple (temple entry). Admission into the temple was made possible only recently. A Muslim is entitled to enter the Mosque for prayer five times a day. But nanthanaar had only to enter the fire and not the temple. Whereas Islam warns that the residence of a person will be set on fire if he fails to turn up at the Mosque for prayers on Fridays. Witnessing such a display would fill one's eyes with tears, for it is quite clear that ISLAM is the only remedy for all disgraces ! DEAR BROTHER ! Your Secretary Thiru Kodikkal Chellappa and myself took in a function recently at Tenkaipattinam. At that time we came across a Muslim boy wearing a hat anf 'Kaili'. He was called IBRAHIM SAHIB. He rendered 'KIR-ATH' Qur'anic verses during that function. 'He is to become the IMAM (priest). When he was introduced to us, we came to understand that he ws among those who were converted to Islam at Meenakshipuram recently. Kodikkal Chellappa got very upset because he had been refused entry into the Hindu Vedic school in his early days! Scheduled Castes are prohibited from becoming priests of the Hindu temples; from the Supreme Court right down to the ordinary fanatics are not for that ! Whereas in Islam, an ordinary convert was to be the IMAM SAHIB. As observed by Kodikkal Chellappa, the boy had bypassed all disgrace, not only that, he was to adorned and saluted as Imam as well. (Kodikkal Chellapa embraced Islam, in front of me at Trichur). In another similar incident in Ramanad, and Old man who had recently joined Islam was invites by Muslims to take food with them. But he felt hesitant and stayed back. Holding his hands together, they compelled him to stay in their company, saying 'Come on, sir, all of us are Adam's Children only'. The old man took a morsel and began to weep, 'my whole life I did not have the opportunity of entering the house of such people. We have been refused entry, not allowed to sit equally, and take food with them'. When he thought of all his past miseries he got upset and told them. This is therefore proof that equality is not a mere doctrine alone in Islam, but a practical way of life. JUST A QUESTION ! Invariable everyone makes a great fuss about all the disgraces that should go and that equality be ensured. They pass resolutions in conferences to this effect, propagate from public platforms, organize agitation, and even sacrifice lives. BUT HOW BOTHERS OR CARES? A wing of the Congress 'THE LEAGUE OF THE SUPRESSED CLASSES' even voice their grievances, but nobody seems to hear. A majority of Scheduled Castes have joined the Dravidian Movement, and have also sacrificed everything, but all in vain. So, is the case in the Communist Party. Dr. Ambedkar joined Buddhism with lots of people. Alas! With no effect! But just a meager two hundred persons embraced Islam in Meenatchipuram and Oh! What a reaction, such emotional outbursts! Sankaracharya, Heads of various Mutts all rushed the Meenatchipuram! Chinmayanandha, Subramanian Swamy, RSS people, Hindu Munnani, Bharathiya Janatha were all puzzled and perplexed, even the so-called secular Government, including Indira Gandhi got upset. DEAR ILAYA PERUMAL : Your report, prepared after many strenuous days and nights, was put into storage. But what a reaction when just two hundred people left Hinduism to embrace Islam ! Lakes of Scheduled Castes embraced Christianity but no one cared. Whereas when two hundred embraced Islam, there was so much commotion. WHY? The Head of Kanchi Mutt receives prasadam from an untouchable ADI-DRAVIDA PRIEST in Kerala. Religious heads rush to the Adi-Dravida encampments. Government send their officials to enquiry what is needed, assuring that all will be done. Great business people of the Hindu religion span large amounts of money and try to recall them to Hinduism. What is to be understood by all these developments? The sensitive issue is a vulnerable point concerning those higher up in Hinduism who have not bothered at all about the Scheduled Castes, and their life after embracing Islam. Yes, that is the main issue that will stop their arrogance, erase their false feelings. The pity is, such people who got agitated over this conversion, who spent huge amounts on the Scheduled Castes, could not even offer any assurances or promises for this noble action. Even if they made a show, they won't do it practically. Their only aim is to somehow prevent those from embracing Islam. It has therefore been proved that all their excitement is not to wipe out evils but to cover them up. They also chastise the Scheduled Castes by saying, that they are converting to Islam only because the Arab pertro dollar influences them. The very carefully avoid admitting that such conversions could be compelled by sheer humility meted out to them. And they refuse to say that they would try to eradicate evil and take the necessary steps to prevent it. The Government threatened to fetch the police to the converts. Some were imprisoned under the Goondas (out Laws) Act, and uncivilized action. Central Ministers and many others decided that the conversion was because of the influence of Arab cash. When Muslims challenged this, asking them to prove it, there was no reply, but they regretted saying it! These 'foxes' have no real care or affection for the suppressed people. Their desire the system of slavery to continue forever. These wicked people should be isolated and Scheduled Castes should be taught about Islam. They need to be educated in its ways. Nobody should join Islam in a hurry, either today or anyday. First of all an appeal should be issued to stop all disgraceful humiliations caused to the Scheduled Castes over the years. Give out an ultimatum and then wait and watch. Just see whether they are sincere enough to implement result oriented remedies for the eradication of social evils. IF THE EVILS STILL PERSIST I suggest that you issue another appeal, along with a final warning. The contents may be as follows: >> It is our birthright to change our religion. No law, police or military can prevent this, including the Hindu zealots and its Fronts (Munnanis). If a ban is imposed, we are prepared to sacrifice all. We were born as Hindus in a disgraceful way, we won't die in the same disgraceful Hindu culture. We only wish to die, after wiping out all our humility, as co-brethern of the Islamic society. We are born only once And we die only Once Let us die with purity, and without any disgrace, as Muslims! (Mr. Adiyar wrote this book in 1986, Many readers of this book embraced Islam. 1987 he embraced Islam and attained the Islamic name ABDULLAH ADIYAR. Mr. Ilaya Perumal was also gave his permission to his followers to embrace Islam, if they wish! Many embraced Islam. Alhamdhulilah) |